Strategic Energy Enablement.
We take a truly strategic view of the landscape of energy, harnessing talent and expertise to secure and enable supply in a time of transition.
A pragmatic energy future.
We see opportunity in the transition of energy extraction and supply that embraces the reality of sourcing and consumption across both existing and new forms.
A vision of scale.
We pursue a thesis of connectivity and expansion, bringing talent and expertise together to secure opportunities at scale for the benefit of all, deployed and re-deployed to secure our energy reality.
shortfall in energy engineers by 2030
Talent will deliver.
We invest in skill sets and expertise within company contexts that can be deployed and re-deployed to secure our energy reality.
Engineering across disciplines.
We have combined a focus and expertise in the energy sector and financial markets to drive opportunity identification, transaction and return.
With a background in engineering, Mike brings a depth of expertise and understanding of the true challenges that need solving.
With a background in finance, Mike brings a wealth of expertise and connectivity leading the raise and deployment of capital.
First contact.
We welcome contact with similarly interested parties that share a true strategic view of the genuine reality of energy enablement and supply.
London SW1V 1LW
Houston, TX 77056
0161 Oslo
Westhill AB32 6FE
4072 Randaberg